Block reference

A reference to the custom page blocks and media added to the platform for showcasing IIIF content.

Allows you to upload and add a banner image to your IIIF or static pages.

Canvas list

Allows you to set up a free text query to list a set amount of canvases and display them on a page.

Canvas snippet

Choose a canvas from the list and showcase a single canvas on the page.

Manifest list

Allows you to set up a free text query to list a set amount of manifests and display them on a page.

Manifest snippet

Choose a manifest from the list and showcase a single manifest on the page.

Collection list

Allows you to set up a free text query to list a set amount of collections and display them on a page.

Collection snippet

Choose a collection from the list and showcase a single collection on the page.

IIIF Metadata

Can only be placed on a IIIF page (manifest or canvas) and offers an expanded view of the IIIF metadata associated with that resource.

Crowd sourcing banner

Taken from the NLW crowd sourcing platform, this is a great heading for your sites with a large image, titles and description text to introduce your site along with a call to action to jump into the collection.

Top contributors

A list of top contributors to your annotations. Lists peoples names along side the amount of annotations they've created.

Latest annotated images

The newest images that have gone from no annotations to annotations in the platform. A way to have fresh content on your homepage or other pages to engage users.