Customising IIIF Pages

Manifest and Canvas pages can have custom content added to each page.

Adding custom metadata

To add custom metadata to an item, first find the item in the Admin UI and choose "Edit". You will be presented with the RDF properties on the right hand side and your content on the left. If you choose custom properties on the right side, they will become part of the content metadata. This can also be used for searching content, using Omekas own build-in search.

Media blocks

To Canvases and Manifests you can also add custom media. These are very simliar to how you build up site pages and share many of the custom components. When you are editing a Manifest of Canvas, you will see a tab "Media". (1). You will see a UI similar to the site building UI. You can choose any of the same blocks (2) and configure them each to display IIIF content, or standard Omeka content, such as a WYSIWYG editor that simply displays HTML.(3)